Monday, March 16, 2009

Michael Joe Catogal, Life's Story

When the day came that i need to give birth to my first and only son, i was send to the very near
hospital. When i was giving birth to my son, every time i pushes him he keeps going back because his leg was tie in the umbilical cord. The doctors made a plan that i don't know what was
that, the doctor said push once again and i did. My son came out and i was so very happy, that i want to see him but i was so tired that i can't even open my eyes. I fall asleep and when i woke up, my baby was in my side and my parents. When i look at him and ask my mother to put him in my arms he look so cute. i think that was the best day of my life, when we go home his first day at the house he keeps crying and crying. At first i don't know what to do because i was still tired and all those staff. He eats a lot when he was a baby, he eats his food so fast and bad thing is when he finish eating he cries. I can't sleep that much back then because my son keeps crying when the time i want to sleep. Before i give birth we already give him the name Michael Joe Catogal. Michael likes to roll and roll all over our bed, so i need to put and pillow side by side so that he can't roll. The first word he learn is papa (father) then mama (mother) this are the first two word i teach him. When Michael starts to walk all of his cousins are playing with him. They will make a circle and put Michael in the middle of it and call his name, to find out which cousin he like the most. When we went to the mall to walk around, i let go michael and hide, watching him what will he do. He look around and saw a big, tall man and he hold the of the man and though that it was his father. His cousins are laughing and pick him up to walk around. The time goes by and my son grow a lot.

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